Using Vinegar for Inexpensive and Organic Weed Control ( Vinegar as a Herbicide)

Is Vinegar a Herbicide?
Vinegar has shown promise as a broad spectrum herbicide. Effectiveness depends on the type of weed, the age of the weed and the concentration of the acetic acid in the vinegar. Household vinegar is a 5% acetic acid solution. Stronger concentrations of 15, 20 and 30% acetic acid are also available All concentrations of acetic acid, including household vinegar, should cause treated foliage to brown within 24 hours. Young, tender weeds and annual weeds like crab grass are susceptible to treatment with household vinegar. However the roots are often not killed entirely and the weeds may reappear within a few weeks. Repeated applications, usually 3, are more effective and stronger concentrations of acetic acid work even faster and longer. 

What’s the Difference Between Acetic Acid and Vinegar?

Acetic acid is created by fermenting alcohol. Household vinegar has a 5% solution of acetic acid made from the fermentation of plant products like grapes and apples. There are stronger concentrations of acetic acid available and even synthetically created acetic acid. All vinegars contain acetic acid, but not all acetic acid is vinegar. 

Is Vinegar Considered an Organic Control?

If the acetic acid in the product is created by the distillation or freeze-evaporation of plant sources, like household vinegar or the stronger concentrations sold for home canning, it is considered organic. Acetic acid made by synthetic processes is not. Is There Any Research to Support These Claims? The verdict is still out, but researchers are conducting studies and acetic acid looks promising. In a research experiment conducted during the Spring and Fall 2001 by the Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory (SASL), a member of the Animal and Natural Resources Institute (ANRI) located in Beltsville, Maryland, they hand-sprayed common lambsquarters, giant foxtail, smooth pigweed and Canada thistle with 0.0, 5.0, 10.5, 15.3 and 20.2 percent vinegar. The results showed 2 things: the effectiveness of acetic acid on weeds depends on both the concentration and the plant growth stage.

  1. Weaker concentrations (5 and 10%) worked well on young, more tender weeds.
  2. Stronger concentrations (15 and 20%) were more effective on mature weeds.
Will Vinegar Do Anything to My Soil?

Being an acid, it can lower the soil’s pH a little. This is a temporary effect. Acetic acid breaks down quickly in water, so any residue will be pretty much gone after the first watering or rain. 

How to Use Acetic Acid as a Herbicide.

Vinegar is not labeled for use as a pesticide, so Extension agents aren’t able to recommend its use. But a homeowner can experiment. Household vinegar works well on young weeds. Repeated applications improve its effectiveness.
  • Spray it directly on the foliage and try for total saturation without too much run-off.
  • Don’t apply if rain is expected or before watering, since water breaks down acetic acid.
  • Avoid spraying any herbicide on windy days, to prevent it drifting onto plants you don’t want to kill.
I’ve had great luck using vinegar on the weeds between the cracks on my sidewalk. I think the heat from the pavement helps the process along. I’ve had less luck with the perennial weeds that grow in my shady ‘turnaround’ area. These turned black, but rallied and grew back. I sprayed them a couple more times at 2-3 day intervals and they eventually died back. However, they reemerged again in a month or so.

You can also find stronger concentrations sold for canning purposes. These work faster and longer than household vinegar, but are caustic and should be handled with caution. Keep it off your skin and away from your eyes

Another option is to use one of the commercial herbicides on the market. Look for them in the weed killer section of your local garden centers.